Digital Traces and Qualitative Research: Innovations in Research Design and Data Collection

17jun6:00 pm8:00 pmDigital Traces and Qualitative Research: Innovations in Research Design and Data CollectionSeminario de Métodos de Investigación

Detalles del evento

El lunes 17 de junio de 2019 la Dra. Ericka Menchen-Trevino (American University, Washington D.C.) visitará el Campus de Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid para impartir un seminario de investigación sobre cómo aprovechar las huellas digitales para el estudio del comportamiento de los usuarios de redes sociales. El seminario tendrá lugar a partir de 18h a 20h en el Edificio 18, aula 18.0.A08. Entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

Resumen: Every «like,» view and location where we use digital technology becomes a digital trace of our behavior; one data point in the growing sea of big data. This data increasingly shapes 21st-century life, forming the basis of personalized services, ads, and products, with wide-ranging social consequences. While qualitative researchers have developed many techniques for studying digital social life, such researchers have been slower to collect and incorporate digital trace data into research designs than their quantitative counterparts. Yet, the observation of behavior has long been central to many qualitative approaches to research, and digital traces can offer unprecedented insights for participants and researchers alike. Dr. Menchen-Trevino will discuss how digital traces can complement qualitative research projects, how to address the ethical issues involved in collecting this data and provide examples from her mixed-methods work.

Organiza: Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual UC3M

Colabora: Asociación de Comunicación Política


17 junio, 2019 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Campus de Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Edificio 18, Aula 18.0.A08

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