ECREA Media And Communication Doctoral Summer School 2019
08julTodo el día17ECREA Media And Communication Doctoral Summer School 2019Call for participants
Detalles del evento
Detalles del evento
We are happy to invite you to participate in the ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2019 that will take place at the University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, from 8.-17. July, 2019 (10 days).
The ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2019 brings together members of the European research community in order to debate contemporary issues in media, communication and cultural studies. The main emphasis of this summer school is not on a particular theme, but on providing structural and individuated PhD-support for young European scholars, through a variety of working forms, including feedback seminars, workshops, and lectures. The summer school aims to provide a supportive international setting where doctoral students can present their ongoing work, receive feedback on their PhD-projects from international experts and meet students and academics from other countries, establishing valuable contacts for the future.
The summer school is open to the full variety of academic work in the broad field of communication and media studies. All PhD projects within the field of communication and media studies are welcomed.
The working language of the summer school will be English; therefore a sufficient understanding and ability to express oneself in this language is expected.
The total number of students will be limited to 45.
Registration fee at the summer school will be:
- 840 Euros (700€ + VAT) for the ECREA members and
- 990 Euros (825€ + VAT) for the non-members of ECREA.
Participation in the summer school will include:
- accommodation for the whole duration of the summer school, including breakfast
- welcome and farewell dinner
- WiFi at the summer school venue
- summer school materials
- coffee in the breaks
- lunch from Mondays to Fridays
ECREA will be awarding 10 grants for participation at the Summer School for students who are unable to otherwise raise registration fee. More information on the grants will be available at the ECREA website after 15 February 2019. There is a separate application and selection procedure in order to apply for these grants.
University of Tartu (The Institute of Social Studies) acknowledges the Summer School activities with 10 ECTS credits for the participation in the full programme (including the supplementary activities).
A selection of the best papers based on the PhD projects presented in the summer school will be published in a special issue of journal Mediální studia/Media Studies, published by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Stage One
Application platform will be available through ECREA website and will open on 15 February 2019. This application form will include:
1. a short bio (300 words) according to the provided forms
2. a 400 word abstract of the PhD project
The deadline for submitting the application is March 15, 2019. Notification of acceptance will be sent during the last week of March 2019.
Stage Two
Students whose abstracts are accepted will be expected to provide the following documents and information in the second phase:
- A 10-page (3000 words) paper on their PhD project as a whole. The 10 page paper should be a report of the student’s ongoing doctoral research and not a conventional conference paper or a report of findings. Rather, it is expected that the student will briefly present the focus of the research and then take up aspects of the research process: methodological, theoretical and practical issues on which he/she would like to receive feedback. (Deadline: June 15)
- A set of questions (maximum 1 page) with questions or problems that students would like to be discussed during the workshops. This one page needs to be part of the same Word/PDF file that also contains the 10-page paper. (Deadline: June 15)
- Based on the abstracts and titles of other student papers, everyone is expected to choose up to 3 papers they would be interested in being a respondent. This preference will be taken into consideration while setting up student working groups. (Deadline June 20)
- By the start of the Summer School, each student has to prepare a 10-minute seminar presentation covering the main points of their work. Each student is also expected to actively participate in the discussions of their own and other people’s work. In order to ensure maximum benefits of the seminars, everyone will have to read other participants papers before the Summer School begins.
The deadline for applications for the summer school is 15 March 2019.
8 julio, 2019 - 17 julio, 2019 (Todo el día)(GMT+00:00)
University of Tartu
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